Quick Glossary
SMR: Skinned Mesh Renderer (built-in) IcaSM: Ica Skinned Mesh (this asset) Ica Skinner: Main Component of the asset LBS: Linear Blend Skinning (Built-in skinning) DQS: Dual Quaternion Skinning
Q: Is it faster than built in SMR? A: It depends, SMR and Ica Skinner have different performance characteristic. In most cases when more than 8 blend-shapes are active, Ica Skinner start outperforming SMR.
Q: Does it use more vram than SMR? A: Unfortunately yes, due to some limitations of mesh API, some data need to be duplicated and this result of higher vram usage. While it may seems a lot, it will be not significant unless you have hundreds of Ica Skinner actives at the scene.
Q: Does it reduce asset size? A: Yes, since Ica Skinner recomputes normals and tangents real-time, it does not need the mesh normals-tangents and blend shape delta normals-tangents. This significantly reduce asset size.
Q: Can be used by “X Asset” together? A: If X asset work with the internal buffers of SMR (GetVertexBuffer etc), then probably no.
Q: Does Cloth Component works? A: No. Same reason above.
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